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Our curriculum Intent:

At Brant Broughton we are keen to celebrate our evolving curriculum and all that it offers to our children. We work with the intention that our curriculum:

  • Prepares children well for their next step
  • Supports all to flourish as individuals and learners now and in the future
  • Fosters the wisdom, knowledge and skills that will help children to become proficient in each area of learning
  • Promotes positive attitudes towards learning and opportunity
  • Champions diversity and equality so that pupils learn to treat others well
We implement this through:
  • A carefully structured planned curriculum
  • Building on children’s prior knowledge and skills
  • Small, carefully sequenced steps of learning which allow children to make connections between what they already know and new ideas
  • Consistent, high expectations for all learners
  • Modelling, scaffolding and feedback to give pupils the best chance to strengthen their knowledge and deepen their understanding
  • Encouraging children’s curiosity
  • A clear understanding of discrete subject areas and how they support our overarching curriculum intent
  • An inclusive approach to learning and curriculum structure which allows the physical, emotional and learning needs of all pupils, in particular the first 20%, to be met through quality first teaching in the first instance. As appropriate, other strategies, including but not limited to: scaffolds, support, intervention, adaptations, resources, communication aids, technology, and where needed, an individualised curriculum may be used.

We see the impact of our curriculum through · Pupil outcomes and progress · Opportunities to celebrate and enjoy success · Pupils love of learning and participation · The way we live together · Children’s readiness to take their next steps

You can find out even more about our curriculum by clicking the links/documents for the individual subjects, visiting the class pages and/or contact school directly; families can contact their children’s class teachers too.