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White Tigers

Postcard to White Tigers

Dear White Tigers,

I am really looking forward to starting this new and exciting school year with you. I had a lovely time on the transition morning we spent together. It was lovely to hear wonderful manners and see such super teamwork happening as you worked on your Scratch games.

Over the summer, I hope you spend lots of time out in the fresh air and enjoying time together with family and friends. We have so many exciting things to learn about as we embark on some new learning.

I know that our classroom Elf visited at Christmas last year, so I am hoping that she visits again – we will have to wait and see!

As with any change, there will be things that are new and may feel unfamiliar, so don’t worry if you are feeling a little nervous. I am always there to listen.

Have a wonderful summer and I can’t wait to welcome you back in September.

Miss Maclachlan

Teaching Assistant  



Our Class

The White Tigers class is a mixed Year 3 and Year 4 class. White Tigers consolidate and deepen their knowledge as they begin to draw on prior learning and handle concepts with increasing complexity. Through our curriculum, White Tigers build stronger understanding of the content domains within maths, and genres in English. The White Tigers make increasingly strong connections between the different areas of learning.

  • Top 5 things to do in the White Tigers Class:
    1. Go swimming
    2. Get quizzing! Use laptops to take the quizzes on your reading books
    3. Start learning French
    4. Show your card collections to your friends
    5. Use the outdoor gym at playtimes

Our Learning

We love learning and will be excited to share more information with you about our new learning and wider curriculum homework after the holiday. 

Things to do each week to support your child's learning at home:

Spellings (please see the KS1 and KS2 word list)

Reading: Children are expected to read at least three times a week at home

Practice times tables 

Talking with children about their learning is an important part of creating a love of learning at home. Here are five great questions to start a conversation with a White Tiger this term:

    1. What are some of the ways that we can help the community?
    2. What are some of the features that you might see inside a Mandir?
    3. Where does the food on our plates come from?
    4. What causes earthquakes, and why do volcanoes erupt?
    5. How are shadows formed, and what causes them to change throughout the day?
                   Times Tables Rock Stars
